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Adrian Benegas, is a songwriter and keyboardist based out of Asuncion - Paraguay. Praised for pioneering the 'single by single' trend, with his female symphonic metal project TRAGUL since 2017 and also known for his solo power metal career. Since his teenage years, he finds a complete devotion to what gives life to him and freedom of expression, his music. 

Besides writing music for his own projects, Adrian Benegas also works as a freelance songwriter and producer for other artists and bands. 

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Some Testimonies

Oliver Holzwarth

Oliver Holzwarth:

I worked with Adrian Benegas for many years. What really impressed me was the musical development that Adrian took as a curious and eager to learn young person with ambition and vision. Through the now numerous projects for which he is responsible as a composer and arranger, I have got to know him very well and, above all, have come to appreciate him. I would call him a friend today, which I hope he sees as well. ;-)

From my point of view, he doesn't have to hide behind the supposedly big names of the genres he plays today. On the contrary, I still have great confidence in him. And I hope to accompany him on part of the way again at some point, for example on a tour in a world after Covid-19 and its mutants. Then I have a drink and send my warmest regards to Adrian!

Alex Holzwarth

Alex Holzwarth:

When Adrian contacted me and my studio partner Bernhard, we didn't hesitate to work with him. At that time we had exactly this service idea on the way: to enable drum recordings for talented musicians / projects worldwide who at the time did not have a permanent band or musician to finish the product properly.

The songs for Adrian's projects made us prick up our ears right away! We just had to get involved. ;-)

The collaboration went on for many years and I always like to think back to the recording sessions!

Good luck to Adrian, I only wish him the very best in his further musical career.

Best regards from both of us. :-)

Herbie Langhans

Herbie Langhans:

The first time Adrian asked me to sing on his first album, it was another classic studio job for a project with several singers. I thought the quality and the songs were good, so I accepted.

This time [on "Diamonds In The Dark" - d. Ed.] Adrian only wanted Sascha and me on the team and so it happened that it felt more like something of his own. Working with Adrian is super relaxed and he is very generous with words when it comes to showing his gratitude and satisfaction. In principle, you can even say that Adrian brought Sascha and me together for the first time on a production where we both produce (thanks Adrian). I have already worked a lot with Sascha and we have known each other for 20 years (and he is one of my best friends), but it was Adrian who really united us on a joint production. I'm excited and I am waiting with open arms for the next creative ideas and plans from him.

Adrian, YOU ROCK !!!

Sascha Paeth

Sascha Paeth:

I can only say that it was particularly easy and nice to work with Adrian, as he gives you a lot of freedom and loves to be surprised. It's always great as a musician when you can get involved with your personality and I think that's what he's looking for too. He's just a really nice and sociable guy!







*Extracted from the article  INTERVIEW MIT ADRIAN BENEGAS  for

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